Original price
₹ 125.00 INR
Original price
₹ 125.00 INR
Original price
₹ 125.00 INR
Original price
₹ 125.00 INR
Current price
₹ 113.00 INR
₹ 113.00 INR
₹ 113.00 INR
Current price
₹ 113.00 INR
SKU MP1018
ISBN 9789350338445
Derived from the Buddhist compilation of stories related with the life and times of Lord Buddha, Jataka tales weave interesting plots through the highly dramatic adventures of their animal characters, human protagonists and the great Lord himself. They teach us that conflict can be resolved by non-violent and compassionate means. The lessons of Jataka tales are multiple and the stories are simple and easy. Jataka tales are for all those who love fine narratives about their fellow wise and not-so-wise beings.
Age Group
5+ Years
Number Of Pages