Leo Tolstoy - Selected Works
Leo Tolstoy was a Russian writer born in 1828. He was best known for his contribution to the domain of realist fiction. His works give an insight into the spiritual and ethical doctrines of his time through a different perspective. His ideas have deeply influenced the great leaders of the 20th century – Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Tolstoy’s later writings reflect that he was influenced by the economical theories of Georgism. He died in 1910 and left behind a legacy of philosophical teachings of non-violence and love in the form of his unforgettable works. A variety of his works across different genres are compiled into this volume that includes some of his famous works such as The Kreutzer Sonata, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Alyosha the Pot, What Men Live By, Where Love is, God is and How Much Land Does a Man Need among many others.
Leo Tolstoy
Age Group
15+ Years
Number Of Pages